The cover of the April 15 issue of Die Aktuelle proclaims the German tabloid contains the first interview with F1 champion Michael Schumacher.

Getting the famed race car driver, who has rarely been seen in public since a serious skiing accident in 2013, to answer questions would have been a huge scoop. Yet those who read the story would have learned that Schumachers answers werent from the driver at all, but rather from an A.I. chatbot trained to emulate the racecar driver. 

It sounded deceptively real! the tabloid wrote, advertising the interview that featured the ersatz Schumacher answering questions about his time in hospital and his recovery. 

Schumachers family is not amused with the tabloids experiment, confirming to Reuters that they are planning legal action. 

The Schumachers have battled with Die Aktuelle before. In 2015, a court dismissed a lawsuit by the famly after the tabloid released an issue featuring Corinna Schumacher, Michael Schumachers wife, under the headline a new love makes her happy. The publication later revealed the story was actually about the Schumachers daughter.

Media reports suggest that Die Aktuelle used a chatbot from A.I. service Character.AI, and screenshots of the tabloids conversation with Schumacher appear to be from its platform. Character.AI allows users to create and train their own chatbots, often emulating real-world celebrities, historical figures, and fictional characters. (Fortune has reached out to Character.AI)

Die Aktuelle, in its unbylined piece, is cagey about how the Schumacher bot was developed, suggesting that someone from the family, carers or employers, or even Schumacher from the hospital bed could have trained it.

A.I. programs could unleash a new wave of misinformation and deepfakes, as increasingly sophisticated models generate more realistic creations. In late March, an A.I.-generated image of Pope Francis wearing a white puffer jacket went viral as users were fooled by the Popes (A.I.-generated) fashion sense. 

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