Simply reading statistics on the sheer number of people in the U.S. who are currently living with Alzheimers disease6 million, or 1 in 9 adults aged 65 or older, according to the Alzheimers Associationis enough to make you want to take immediate action to ward off cognitive decline. But where do you begin?

These people in their 70s say they feel mentally sharp thanks to some key habits, many of which theyve been doing for decades. And neuroscientists say these seniors tactics actually hold a lot of weight in helping to ward off memory loss and cognition issues down the line. 

Daily exercise

Joel Slaven, a 78-year-old working dentist from Los Angeles, says exercise has been a part of his life for many years. And yes, movement not only makes your muscles stronger, but your brain, too. 

Ive been a long-distance cyclist for 35 years, says Slaven. I also do vigorous walking and use a rowing machine while using light wrist weights. A lot of what Ive read about brain activity seems to connect to fitness. 

Joel Slaven, 78, has been cycling for 35 years.

Courtesy of Joel Slaven

Hes right: Exercise is so important to cognitive health because it keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy, explains Raphi Wald, Psy.D., neuropsychologist at the Marcus Neuroscience Institute at Baptist Healths Boca Raton Regional Hospital. The healthier [your heart and blood vessels] are, the better they stay at nurturing the brain with the oxygen and nutrition it needs to thrive, says Wald. 

Being active doesnt just help prevent cognitive disease, but exercise also helps combat typical age-related brain damage too, says Dr. Joel Salinas,, a neurologist specializing in dementia, clinical assistant professor in NYU Langones department of neurology and chief medical officer at Isaac Health, an online memory clinic. Tiny paper cut-like scars are often found on imaging, such as an MRI, of most aging brains (more so for those with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or who smoke) indicating damage. However, the more active you are throughout your life, the less likely you are to develop those kinds of changes in the brain, says Salinas.

Making meaningful connections

Slaven often works out with his wife or daughter as he says my close family relationships make me very happy, but the brain health benefits go even deeper than anecdotal joy. In fact, science shows that these kinds of meaningful connections are another key factor that can make a big impact on your brain health over time.

Whether through the mechanism of mental simulation, reduction of stress, or engagement in healthier lifestyles, social engagements do reduce peoples risk of developing dementia, says Salinas. 

When Terry Lieber, 77, a retired school teacher from Melville, NY moved into a 55+ community, she quickly introduced herself to a group of women who were out walking, and they invited Lieber to join them. Since then, I walk with them almost every morning, she says. We chat a lot and discuss books. I also started playing Pickleball, which helps me connect with others, which is so important. 

Terry Lieber, 77, stays connected with others through pickleball.

Courtesy of Terry Lieber

Through his own research, Salinas found that people who have relationships that offer emotional support also had higher levels of BDNF, or brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a molecule thats correlated with strong cognitive reserve, which is your brains ability to find clear neural pathways for information to flow in and out. 

Whats more, people who specifically have a listener available most or all the time are much more likely to have a cognitive age thats about four years younger than their chronological age, he says of his findings published in JAMA Network Open

Lieber has various means of socializing, saying I joined my local library, and take classes and go to functions there. I attend cooking and computer classes. I even took Canasta lessons. I play cards weekly and really enjoy the women who play. But, if youre struggling to find social outlets, the good news is that its not necessarily about having a ton of social connection so much as having some social connection, says Salinas. Thats because its more important to avoid social isolation, as this can lead to feelings of loneliness, which can increase your risk for developing memory loss and other cognitive issues, according to a 2018 study published in The Journals of Gerontology.

Learning something new 

Classes dont just offer interpersonal connection, but allow you to learn something new, which, opposed to doing the same crossword-style puzzle every day, means that youre engaging more of the brain, and will then lead to growth of new pathways and connections, says Salinas. Taking a dance class is a great way to reap these benefits by checking multiple brain-health boxes at once. Youre learning something new, it offers social engagement, and theres the physical activity piece, he says

For Linda Julie Castro, 76, a retiree from San Diego, California, one newfound hobby that has challenged her mind is art. I love to draw and paint, says Castro. I didnt realize I could paint until I retired and my bucket list came out. Painting requires concentrationthinking about what color to use, where to put that color, and how. Im always learning more.

Activities such as paintingor gardening as it is for Mozelle Harding, 72, a retired stained glass designer from San Diego, Californiaare not just healthy brain habits because of their creativity, but doing things that bring you joy also helps reduce stress. Chronic stress can negatively impact cognitive health over time through hormonal changes, inflammation, and structural alterations in the brain, says Louisa Nicola, neurophysiologist and female human performance expert with Momentous, a performance nutrition brand. 

Mozelle Harding, 72, paints and gardensactivities that reduce stress and keep the brain sharp.

Courtesy of Mozelle Harding

Specifically, stress increases the production of the hormone cortisol, which studies have shown is associated with overall poor cognition, memory, and executive functioning. Stress also triggers inflammation throughout the body, which research indicates can contribute to cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases, adds Nicola. Ongoing stress can even change the structure of parts of the brain responsible for learning and memory, according to a study published in Neuropsychopharmacology.

The quiet act of being in the garden, watching the birds in the birdbath and feeders, allows me to escape and to focus on something in my Zen space, says Harding. While its impossible to eliminate all stress, implementing habits, such as spending more time outdoors and meditation, can help you reduce your overall stress level and do your brain a lot of good. 

Stress reduction can also lead to better sleep. People with an unmanaged sleep issue are at a higher risk for developing dementia and are more likely to have signs of early biological changes in the brain specifically tied to Alzheimers disease, says Salinas. Getting into a routine that provides a regular sleep routine gives your brains the best possible chances of thriving, adds Wald. Healthy sleep habits include sticking to a consistent wake-sleep schedule, keeping a dark, calming bedroom, limiting caffeine and large meals close to bedtime, avoiding phone or other tech use at night, and getting adequate activity during the day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Eating for brain health

As with most anything in health, you cant forget the power of your diet. Slaven has been a vegetarian since his 60s. As a survivor of lung cancer and someone whos had heart bypass surgery, its critical to keep my cardiovascular system clear of plaques, which applies to brain health as well, he says. Consuming a diet rich in essential nutrients, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, can positively influence cognitive function and help preserve mental sharpness, says Nicola. 

The MIND Diet or Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay is often recommended, as it combines aspects of the Mediterranean diet and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and encourages you to eat foods that are associated with better brain health, such as antioxidant-rich berries, high-fiber leafy greens and whole grains, and lean protein sources like turkey and chicken, and limit foods that are high in saturated and trans fats, which are linked to inflammation and heart disease, two known risk factors for dementia. 


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