In our CEO wellness series, we ask executives about their day-to-day habits to gain insight into the tactics they use to minimize stress and maintain their well-being.

Beatrice Dixon is co-founder and CEO of The Honey Pot Company, a plant-derived feminine hygiene powerhouse, intent on providing humans with vaginas a healthy alternative to feminine care made with powerful and efficacious ingredients. Before founding The Honey Pot Company, Beatrice worked as a pharmacy technician and employee at Whole Foodsexperiences that helped her realize her position within the intersection of science and wellness where The Honey Pot Company sits today.

Coffee or tea? And what do you put in it?
I love peppermint tea, so youll usually find me with that in hand. For the days though when I want a little extra pep in my step, and I do want to have a cup of coffee, I like to blend it with an adaptogen blend from Peak + Valley.

What is your go-to breakfast?
I dont have a go-to breakfast because I strongly believe in listening to your body, and I often dont know where Ill be or whats available. This month Ive been kick-starting my mornings with bone broth to coat my gut, give me fuel, and keep me satiated when I work out. 

Tell us about your workout routine.
I am always on the go, so having something I can do no matter the location is important for me. I love a great yoga session, whether that be a class in a busy city or even in a hotel room or my personal space. I carry a yoga mat with me when I travel just in case I dont have time to jump to a class but still want to take the time to stretch and move my body. I also use this time as a moment to pause all the craziness, and have a moment of stillness.

How many hours do you sleep on a typical night?
I need sleep to be able to show up as the best human I can, so I really try to aim for eight plus hours a night. 

How do you de-stress?
Yoga, meditation, practicing mindfulness, and spending time with my loved ones. I also get off of social media and the internet. When you run a company there will always be noise, and its important to take those quiet moments to reflect and be still.

According to your phone, whats your daily average screen time from last week?
My screen time is pretty low! Monday through Friday I clock in at about a couple of hours a day, and then on the weekends I barely use any technology. I really prioritize spending time with my loved ones so I try to be present and not on screens.

What app do you use the most?
Apple Music. Youll find my meditation playlists on there (which I do everyday), and my music playlists that I rotate depending on the vibe of the day or moment.

Whens the last time you took a day off? What did you do?
I dont know if there is such a thing as taking a day off as a CEO. Im always thinking about The Honey Pot and what we can be doing to serve our humans the best. At the end of last year, I went on a week-long vacation to Costa Rica with my entire family and it was pretty magical. I never take those moments for granted.

Whats one thing your company is doing to prioritize employee wellness?
We encourage our team to take the time they need to care for themselves. We know that life can be fluid, and work should be able to flex along with that. We also view and treat our employees as humans versus just cogs in the system. Its important that people know that their health is the most important to us.

Whats your favorite treat?
I really am not a sweets person but if someone is ordering dessert and it just so happens to pique my interest, I will absolutely give it a go. 

Whats your favorite wellness product?
I have so many! I love Be Rooted journals. My Gaiam yoga mat is another much-used favorite. I also just discovered Grounded, a really beautiful Black-owned plant company.

Show us a photo of your happy place.

Grateful for these moments.

Courtesy of Beatrice Dixon

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