In 2021, Amazon started installing artificial intelligence cameras to monitor its delivery drivers while they work.

The e-commerce giant claimed that the technology was meant to prevent accidents.

The cameras record 100% of the time, Amazon told CNBC, with four lenses capturing the road, driver, and sides of the vehicle to flag 16 different safety violations including speeding, failing to stop at a stop sign, hard-breaking, or distracted driving.

But according to one Amazon worker, the AI system can be used to dock drivers pay and is hated by everyone who works there. 

If I want a sip of my coffee I have to pull over

The driver, with the username @ambergirts, took to TikTok to show off the tracking system in her company vehicle.

That little guy is how we are tracked, Amber Girts said while zooming her camera in on a rectangular contraption attached to her rearview mirror. Its probably recording me recording it, but it cant hear me so thats nice.

She then continued to break down the safety violations the device flags to her employer, like if they go more than six miles over the speed limit.

And while many of the features are understandable, she complains about the lack of freedom drivers have because of the constant surveillance.

For example, Girts claims that the number of times she buckles and unbuckles her seatbelt is tracked, and if she doesnt buckle up enough then thats a seatbelt violation.

Want to connect your phone to bluetooth? No can do, because according to Girts, touching the vans central console is a driver distracted violation.

Even drinking while driving, which is not illegal, is flagged by Amazon.

If I want a sip of my coffee, I have to pull over so that I can grab it and drink it. Because if I do it while Im driving then thats a driver distracted which is also a violation, she added.

Girts says the cameras can sometimes mistake human behaviors, like scratching as dangerous.

She claimed that one guy was itching his beard, one time, and the camera picked it up that he was on the phone and so he got a driver distracted violation for itching his face but they disputed it. 

Everyone who works for Amazon pretty much hates those little things but we have to remember its just for safety, she concluded.

Fortune has reached out to Amazon to verify the claims.

Monitoring is a micromanaging measure

Its not only Amazon workers that hate the companys AI system.

Around 500,000 people have viewed the TikTok video and thousands have taken to the comments section to echo their distaste.

Many viewers commented that the practice highlights a lack of trust at the company, with one top comment reading: Thats way too much micro-management.

Another agreed: Talk about having a boss breathing down your shoulder.

Other viewers commented that theyd never work for a company that has such measures in place, while some questioned whether there are ulterior motives to the safety measures, like cheaper insurance rates.

Even an Amazon warehouse worker chimed in to say: I thank my lucky stars every day I dont drive for them.

Meanwhile, one user suggested that with the vast scenarios that could result in a violation, they would straight fail without even knowing what I did wrong and Girt responded that this happens a lot actually.

According to The Information, too many safety violations could lead to a driver being fired by the company.

Its not the first time the monitoring measures have been criticized, with privacy activists previously describing it as creepy, intrusive and excessive.

Big Brother Watch (unsuccessfully) called for the installations to be put on hold in the U.K. in 2022, a year after it had already been rolled out in the U.S..

Amazon has a terrible track record of intensely monitoring their lowest wage earners using Orwellian, often highly inaccurate, spying technologies, and then using that data to their disadvantage, Silkie Carlo, director of the UK-based privacy campaign group, told The Telegraph.

This kind of directed surveillance could actually risk distracting drivers, let alone demoralizing them. It is bad for workers rights and awful for privacy.

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