If youre concerned about ChatGPT and artificial intelligence snapping up your job, youre far from the only one. Millions of jobs could be going away, according to a huge new report on the Future of Jobs by the World Economic Forum, the nonprofit that made Davos famous. Thats the bad news, of course. The good news is that most workers are safe (in the near term). 

These artificial intelligence inventions dont rival human ingenuityalthough their capacity to grow more intelligent than humans is real. Geoffrey Hinton, the scientist nicknamed the godfather of A.I., recently resigned from Google and started airing his concerns about the techs breathtaking potential. (Did you know that humans have roughly 86 billion neurons in our skulls, but ChatGPT already has between 500 billion and one trillion connections? How do we survive that? Hinton asks.}

The WEF argues whats becoming quite clear: Time is running out now for millions of roles, especially those trying to resist digital transformation, before they go the way of the fax machine.  

By 2027, the WEF projects, nearly 70 million new jobs will be created worldwide and 83 million will be eliminated. That constitutes a reduction in employment of 14 million jobs, or 2% of the global workforce.

In order to avoid being one of those 14 million workers stuck without work, youll want to take one of todays fastest-growing rolesdriven by technology, digitalization and sustainability. 

The jobs of the future (according to Davos)

Unsurprisingly, the majority of the fastest-growing jobs are tech-related. A.I. and Machine Learning Specialists top the WEFs list, followed by Sustainability Specialists, Business Intelligence Analysts and Information Security Specialists. 

As the world gradually moves towards renewable energy, Architects and Surveyors, Renewable Energy Engineers, and Solar Energy Installation and System Engineers will also be high-growth roles, WEF found.

These findings dovetail with WEFs assertion that the top three skills that will become most important over the next five years are creative thinking, analytical thinking, and technological literacynone of which can be automated. And employers desire for these skills shows the continual importance of complex problem-solving, WEF wrote.

On the other side of the coin, the fastest-declining roles are also driven down by the advent of tech and automation. The majority of those roles are clerical, administrative or secretarial. WEF expects four in particular to decline the fastest: Bank Tellers, Postal Service Clerks, Cashiers and Ticket Clerks and Data Entry Clerks.

And even if your job isnt on this list, you may not be immune. Nearly a quarter of all professionseven the ones that wont grow or shrink dramaticallywill change some way, somehow, as a result of A.I. and digitization over the next five years, WEF says.

Jobs on the rise

In collaboration with LinkedIn, the WEF tabulated the 100 roles that have grown fastest, consistently and globally, since 2018.

Sixteen of the top 100 jobs on the list called Jobs on the Rise are in tech and IT. Sales and customer engagement-related jobs, however, take the cake, with 22 of the 100 roles. That suggests an increasing focus on broadening customer groups during a time of rapid technological advancement. 

Also prominently featured: HR and talent acquisition roles, including a specific spot for Information Technology Recruitment. Perhaps, WEF writes, that illustrates the increasing difficulty and importance of accessing talent in a generally strong labor market. 

One job titleworkplace coordinatorhas grown 39% since 2018 on LinkedIns job boards, which might indicate companies are struggling to ease into functional and satisfactory hybrid work arrangements

Luckily for workers, even those in industries that WEF predicts will shrink, with some tech upskilling, they have the upper hand. Dan Shapero, chief operating officer of LinkedIn, told Fortune he doesnt believe the power is shifting back to bosses anytime soon. The long-term trend, I think, is pretty clear, he said. 

Employers are still having difficulty finding the people they need, even in the current labor market, he said. [Thats] because the long-term trend towards your technical skills is just undeniable, and we cant keep up with it.


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