As a child, it was easy to fantasize about all the many things that would symbolize having reached success.

Perhaps it was being able to buy any clothing item you liked without having to look at the price tag, or if you were really aspirational, a collection of vintage sports cars, or (probably more realistically), being able to buy as much candy as you could carry home. 

But now, all grown-up and more aware of how much money is needed just to get by, young adults have put an exact figure on how much money they would need to earn to feel like theyve made it 

The invoicing software, Skynova collected state-level data from IPUMS Current Population Survey (CPS) 22 to 35-year-olds and surveyed 1,000 young adults about their career goals.

The average salary that young adults said would make them feel like theyve finally made it is $121,553 per year, with Gen Z aiming slighter higher and pinning for $124,494 and millennials earmarking $120,902.

And if either figure has left you feeling deflated about your own self-worth and accomplishments, dont panic: Both figures are wildly above what the average American earns with the median income in 2021 being $69,717.

So its unsurprising when aiming so high above the average, that 58% of the two youngest generations of workers are unsatisfied with their current earnings. 

Even when thinking of the salary they would like for their current efforts and expertise, millennials and Gen Z are pushing well above the average and desire a pay package between $71,000 and $80,000. 

The researchers advise young unsatisfied professionals to keep in mind that theyre near the beginning of their careers, and salaries can increase with experience. 

For those looking to make it sooner rather than later, becoming a lawyer, financial services sales agent, or web developer is a good bet, because according to the research, these fields are paying workers between 22 and 35 years old between around $120,000 and $150,000. 

Top-paying professions for young people

-Lawyers ($149,646)
-Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agent ($134,029)
Web developer ($120,595)
Architectural and engineering manager ($115,875)
Software developer ($113,066)

Despite the high pay, 88% of Gen Z respondents said they would not want to be a lawyer.

In fact, the top career paths chosen by young, emerging professionals were nursing, teaching, retail management, customer services and vehicle driving. 

The mismatch between the top-paying jobs and what young workers are actually doing for work, means that most professionals will need to switch careers down the line if they want to feel like theyve made it. 

Alternatively, the researchers suggest pushing for a pay rise although as over half of the respondents havent received a raise in the past year, its unlikely employers will splash out on six-figure salaries overnight.


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